It’s a very modest mission we are pursuing, we want to get everyone using a cúpla focail a day. A lot of people have the urge to reconnect with the language, but you don’t have to be fluent to start using it. The content we are curating on this site is our attempt at helping you get started. We have covered a number of conversational situations and occupations to help you use the language no matter what your day to day is. Our content will continue to grow and we look forward to seeing you grow with it.
Our introductory content should see you through most simple situations, many of the words and phrases you may already know, and hopefully there will be some that are new to you. Start your journey by browsing our “Pleasantries” section, from there you can choose where else you would like to try your Irish, be it in the pub or on the bus. There are also printable versions of our content for any business owners who would like to leave some copies of our content on the bar, dashboard, where ever.